Speak to the Eyes – Panel
I was invited to join a panel on the history of data/information visualization in Turkey with Eray…
Measure of Justice: Covering the Cerîde-i Adliye Covers
The research exhibition “Speak to the Eyes: Visualizing Information from the Ottoman Era to the Republic” …
Adaletin Ölçüsü: Cerîde-i Adliye Kapaklarını Yorumlamak
Ömer Durmaz’ın küratörlüğünü yaptığı “Gözlere Konuşmak: Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Bilginin Görselleştirilmesi” …
Jeff Talks
I was invited to speak at Jeff Talks, a quarterly series organized by Esen Karol where designers,…