The Art of Insight
Alberto Cairo is an eminent figure in information design, as a practitioner, educator, and author. I’ve always…
How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without a Soul
Review of How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul by Adrian Shaughnessy I admit, I…
With Charity Toward None: A Fond Look at Misanthropy
Review of With Charity Toward None: A Fond Look At Misanthropy by Florence King Although it contains…
İstanbul Okurken
As curious people who read a lot in public transport, I, my girlfriend, and her sister started…
Reinventing the Sacred
Review of Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion by Stuart A. Kauffman From…
What Darwin Got Wrong
Review of What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry A. Fodor, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini Part I: Lewontin Strikes Back (Seriously, the…
Headhunting for Consciousness
Yesterday I met David Chalmers. 19 to go. (Crick is dead.) (I guess that’s why Dennett took…
Zeros and Universes
What do you think if you notice that all the zeros in the book you’re reading have…
Biology as Ideology
Review of Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA by Richard C. Lewontin Lewontin is a leftist…
Dawkins vs Gould
Review of Dawkins vs Gould: Survival of the Fittest by Kim Sterelny I had low expectations for…
Freedom and Neurobiology
Review of Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power by John R. Searle…
A Well-Disposed Memeticist’s Problems With the Meme Talk
It’s been some time since I finished reading Darwinizing Culture: the Status of Memetics as a Science…
Taking Memetics Seriously
I am currently reading Darwinizing Culture, edited by Robert Aunger. I just finished David Hull’s contribution titled…
Üçlü Sarmal: Gen, Organizma ve Çevre
Richard C. Lewontin eseri Üçlü Sarmal: Gen, Organizma ve Çevre incelemesi Tübitak Popüler Bilim Kitapları’ndan Türkçesi yeni…