48 New Philosophers and 5 New Interface Features
I’m proud to announce a huge upgrade, both in content and in interaction design. I’ve been reading the whole summer to add 48 new philosophers and 317 new sentences to the mix (mostly from Thomas Baldwin’s Contemporary Philosophy: Philosophy in English Since 1945) nearly doubling the amount of content, and Hüseyin Kuşçu has implemented many functions we had envisaged...
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Hüseyin Kuşçu has joined the team to develop the interactive version that will allow a much more efficient browsing experience on screen. The first function we added is clicking a sentence to display the other sentences connected to it and make everything else disappear. We’ll be adding more functions like this, a search bar, and a dropdown filter based...
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First version published with these philosophers: Thales Anaximander Anaximenes Pythagoras Xenophanes Heraclitus Parmenides Empedocles Leucippus & Democritus Zeno of Elea Socrates Plato Aristotle Diogenes Pyrrho Epicurus Stoics (Zeno of Citium et al.) Timon of Phlius Plotinus Saint Augustine John Scotus Erigena Saint Anselm Thomas Aquinas William of Ockham Francis Bacon Thomas Hobbes René Descartes Benedict Spinoza John Locke Gottfried...
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