Machiavelli and Singer Added; Quine, Foot, and Nagel Updated
Here is a list of what I’ve done since the last update in November:
- Niccolò Machiavelli and Peter Singer are added.
- Lots of new sentences are added for Willard Van Orman Quine (8), Philippa Foot (13), and Thomas Nagel (5). These were more extensive updates compared to the regular sentence additions mentioned in the previous update posts: I focused on each of these three thinkers in different times (because I read one of their books, because I stumbled upon an article, because I found my old notes about them, etc.), restructured their content altogether and we now have a much richer summary of what they did. This is what I plan to do for each of the philosophers in this project, in time. (That’s one of the reasons it’s always a work-in-progress.)
- Many new connections are drawn.
- One sentence is added for Kant, about animals, while I was adding Singer.
A note: When philosophers change their minds about something important and disagree with their past selves – especially when these changes constitute different “periods” in their output – I show it by adding the negative connections between these ideas. Wittgenstein famously has his change of mind about what language is. Foot was another instance of this situation, disagreeing with herself twice and having three periods:
As always, everything is here for you to browse.
Summer is coming, which means less work and more philosophy for me; stay tuned for more frequent updates.
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- New Force-Directed Graph with Philosophers as Nodes
- Zeno of Citium, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Skinner, Plantinga, Block, Strawson, and Oppy Added; Hume, Rousseau, Brentano, Husserl, Wittgenstein, and Others Updated
- Poincaré, Eddington, Gombrich, Laudan, Van Fraassen, Worrall, Ladyman Added; Anselm, Duhem, Grice, Williams, Kripke, Lewis, Boyd, and Others Updated
- ‘Basics’ Filter for the Uninitiated
- Reid, Barthes, Habermas, Varela Added; Leibniz, Kant, Ramsey, Sartre, Beauvoir, Foot, Clark, and Others Updated
- Dynamic URLs