Freud, Bataille, Adorno, Arendt, Lyotard, Baudrillard, and Other News
Following the last update, our project has received great attention over the past few weeks, with tweets by Daniel Dennett, Oxford Philosophy, Sean Carroll, and features by Open Culture, Daily Nous, Magnet, among others.
Here are the changes in content since the last update:
- Sigmund Freud, Georges Bataille, Theodor Adorno, Hannah Arendt, Jean-François Lyotard, and Jean Baudrillard made their first appearance. (You can use the alphabetical Index in the Menu to jump to these names.)
- Important sentence additions to Plato, Augustine, Kant, Darwin, Heidegger, Kuhn, and Foucault.
- Revisions in some sentences for Plato, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Frege, and Sartre.
- Dozens of new connections drawn.
A note about Freud: Although I was at first hesitant to add thinkers who aren’t strictly “philosophers” but affected philosophy (like Darwin, Freud, Turing, etc.), the feedback I got after releasing the last version included encouragement for that and I was persuaded. (I’ll add more of those special thinkers.)
And here are the names of nice people who offered content corrections or improvements that I was able to apply so far: Sedat Hasoğlu, Jakub Rudnicki, Matheus Schneider, César Tomé López, Sylvia Wenmackers, Miguel Mateo La Salle.
On the interface side, Hüseyin Kuşçu applied optimizations that solved the slowness problem in Firefox (and made it even faster in Chrome). He is now working on creating a mobile version, we hope to announce it soon.
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- New Force-Directed Graph with Philosophers as Nodes
- Zeno of Citium, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Skinner, Plantinga, Block, Strawson, and Oppy Added; Hume, Rousseau, Brentano, Husserl, Wittgenstein, and Others Updated
- Poincaré, Eddington, Gombrich, Laudan, Van Fraassen, Worrall, Ladyman Added; Anselm, Duhem, Grice, Williams, Kripke, Lewis, Boyd, and Others Updated
- ‘Basics’ Filter for the Uninitiated
- Reid, Barthes, Habermas, Varela Added; Leibniz, Kant, Ramsey, Sartre, Beauvoir, Foot, Clark, and Others Updated
- Dynamic URLs