Visualizing the Genealogy of Ottoman Naskh Types

My friend Onur Yazıcıgil is a researcher of Ottoman typefaces and we had worked on a visualization…

2015 Genel Seçiminin İletişim Yönergeleri

Kurumlar dış dünyayla ve çalışanlarıyla sözlü/yazılı/görsel iletişimlerini, iletişim stratejistleri ve görsel iletişim tasarımcıları tarafından belirlenmiş kurallar dahilinde…

Spaces, Slashes and Dashes

Spaces are one of the most important elements of design. They have lots of functions, but the…

The Trouble With Text

People don’t like texts. Forget reading, they don’t want to look at them. Or so think amateur…

After ISType 2012

ISType (Istanbul Type Seminars) 2012 is over and here are my notes about it. Right at the…

ISType 2012

As Fevkalade we were invited to speak at Istanbul Type Seminars 2012. Unfortunately Fevkalade’s co-founder Emre couldn’t be there with me…

Zeros and Universes

What do you think if you notice that all the zeros in the book you’re reading have…

Dawkins vs Gould

Review of Dawkins vs Gould: Survival of the Fittest by Kim Sterelny I had low expectations for…

Where Obama and Marx Meet

The Gotham epidemic has long hit Istanbul, and this is probably the best example to document it….

A Typographic Portrait of London

After the Trento version I made in 2009, here is my typographic impression of London (+ a…

Typography Is Important – An Introductory Practical Guide

After dealing with a variety of students from different classes such as Project Studio, Web Design and…

Beautiful Typography From the 1960s

Last week I visited the Taksim Atatürk Library and went through the archives of Turkish newspapers (Hürriyet,…

Where to Use En and Em Dashes: Lupton vs Bringhurst

Do you think one must be a nutjob to care about the length of the dashes we…

A Typographic Portrait of Trento

I was in Rovereto, Trento (Italy) for a few days to present a poster in the COGEVO:… Protection Status © 2025 Deniz Cem Önduygu