Neden “Hâlâ” Maske Takıyorum?

Birkaç aydır yine büyük bir Covid dalgası yaşıyoruz. Çevremde benim dışımda Covid’e karşı önlem alan, maske kullanan pek kimse kalmadı. Çevremde benim dışımda…

2024 Yerel Seçimi: Nasıl Görselleştirmeli?

Seçim sonuçlarının haritalarda illerin kazanan partinin rengine boyanmasıyla görselleştirilmesine alıştık. Niyetimiz sadece kazanan partiyi görmek ise bu…

The Art of Insight

Alberto Cairo is an eminent figure in information design, as a practitioner, educator, and author. I’ve always…

How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without a Soul

Review of How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul by Adrian Shaughnessy I admit, I…

Measure of Justice: Covering the Cerîde-i Adliye Covers

The research exhibition “Speak to the Eyes: Visualizing Information from the Ottoman Era to the Republic” …

Gráphagos: Memetik Evrim Grafik Tasarımı Açıklar mı?

2010’da yarattığım evrimsel grafik tasarım programı Gráphagos hakkında ilk Türkçe yazımı Manifold için yazdım. Yazıda programın ayrıntılarından…

Redefining Infographics

Do you like infographics? Your answer doesn’t tell much because we’ve been using that word for very…

Spaces, Slashes and Dashes

Spaces are one of the most important elements of design. They have lots of functions, but the…

Argument against Argument from Design

When confronted with the Argument from Design (about biology), people resort to various counter-arguments, pointing to the…

The Trouble With Text

People don’t like texts. Forget reading, they don’t want to look at them. Or so think amateur…


I am in the mood for doing some oldschool existential philosophy and I hereby define a new…

After ISType 2012

ISType (Istanbul Type Seminars) 2012 is over and here are my notes about it. Right at the…

Find Out What You Are

This is a personal project that dates back to 2009; I’ve been postponing sharing it because I…

“Bugün Ne Giysem?” and Design Education

“Bugün Ne Giysem?” (“What Shall I Wear Today?”) is a TV show in Turkey where female contestants…

Dawkins vs Gould

Review of Dawkins vs Gould: Survival of the Fittest by Kim Sterelny Sterelny uses the debate between Dawkins…

Modern Art Meets Modern Metal

Okay, this will be a bit experimental and personal. I have become increasingly aware of a matching…

A Well-Disposed Memeticist’s Problems With the Meme Talk

It’s been some time since I finished reading Darwinizing Culture: the Status of Memetics as a Science…

The Story of a Clever Young Man

Since I watched Wittgenstein by Derek Jarman and fell in love with the story told by J….

Üçlü Sarmal: Gen, Organizma ve Çevre

Richard C. Lewontin eseri Üçlü Sarmal: Gen, Organizma ve Çevre incelemesi Tübitak Popüler Bilim Kitapları’ndan Türkçesi yeni… Protection Status © 2025 Deniz Cem Önduygu