2024 Yerel Seçimi: Nasıl Görselleştirmeli?
Seçim sonuçlarının haritalarda illerin kazanan partinin rengine boyanmasıyla görselleştirilmesine alıştık. Niyetimiz sadece kazanan partiyi görmek ise bu…
Visualizing the Genealogy of Ottoman Naskh Types
My friend Onur Yazıcıgil is a researcher of Ottoman typefaces and we had worked on a visualization…
The Art of Insight
Alberto Cairo is an eminent figure in information design, as a practitioner, educator, and author. I’ve always…
History of Philosophy: Tags, Improved Search, Dark Mode, and More
I’m happy to announce another batch of interface upgrades in my History of Philosophy after a year,…
History of Philosophy: Portraits, Name-Clicking, and More
This is an important moment and an important post for me. It’s not about the new philosophers…
Gold Water: Landscapes of Olive and Olive Oil
A collaboration between the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial and e-flux Architecture, the Critical Cooking Show is a…
History of Philosophy Updated
I’m proud to announce a huge upgrade for my History of Philosophy, both in content and in…
Communicating Science: Gráphagos
On July 2nd, we led a variant of our Communicating Science events, this time as part of…
Grafik Anket: Logoları Nasıl Hatırlıyoruz?
4,5 yıl boyunca yavaş yavaş ve sinsice yürüttüğüm bir kişisel araştırma-eğlenme projesi olan Grafik Anket (Graphic Survey)…
Measure of Justice: Covering the Cerîde-i Adliye Covers
The research exhibition “Speak to the Eyes: Visualizing Information from the Ottoman Era to the Republic” …
Adaletin Ölçüsü: Cerîde-i Adliye Kapaklarını Yorumlamak
Ömer Durmaz’ın küratörlüğünü yaptığı “Gözlere Konuşmak: Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Bilginin Görselleştirilmesi” …
Gráphagos: Memetik Evrim Grafik Tasarımı Açıklar mı?
2010’da yarattığım evrimsel grafik tasarım programı Gráphagos hakkında ilk Türkçe yazımı Manifold için yazdım. Yazıda programın ayrıntılarından…
İstanbul Okurken
As curious people who read a lot in public transport, I, my girlfriend, and her sister started…
Evolutionary Graphic Design: Gráphagos
I’m finally publishing the evolutionary graphic design program that I created in 2008–2010 as my master’s thesis…
Argument against Argument from Design
When confronted with the Argument from Design (about biology), people resort to various counter-arguments, pointing to the…
Visualizing Protein Motions with Static Images
In 2011 I worked with Canan Atılgan and Ali Rana Atılgan on the figures of their paper…
In my last microscopy post with the yellow sac spider, I had noted the resemblance between the…
Find Out What You Are
This is a personal project that dates back to 2009; I’ve been postponing sharing it because I…
The Big Picture in Seven Scales
See the full size and Turkish versions here. After publishing this, quite a lot of people have…
Image of Science
Image of Science was a workshop that seeks to bring researchers and designers together in order to…
Dawkins vs Gould
Review of Dawkins vs Gould: Survival of the Fittest by Kim Sterelny Sterelny uses the debate between Dawkins…
Dennett’s Istanbul Talk Online!
Here it is, finally, Dan Dennett’s Istanbul talk titled “Darwin’s Strange Inversion of Reasoning” from last year….