Visualizing the Genealogy of Ottoman Naskh Types

My friend Onur Yazıcıgil is a researcher of Ottoman typefaces and we had worked on a visualization…

The Art of Insight

Alberto Cairo is an eminent figure in information design, as a practitioner, educator, and author. I’ve always…

History of Philosophy: Tags, Improved Search, Dark Mode, and More

I’m happy to announce another batch of interface upgrades in my History of Philosophy after a year,…

History of Philosophy: Portraits, Name-Clicking, and More

This is an important moment and an important post for me. It’s not about the new philosophers…

Gold Water: Landscapes of Olive and Olive Oil

A collaboration between the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial and e-flux Architecture, the Critical Cooking Show is a…

History of Philosophy Updated

I’m proud to announce a huge upgrade for my History of Philosophy, both in content and in…

Measure of Justice: Covering the Cerîde-i Adliye Covers

The research exhibition “Speak to the Eyes: Visualizing Information from the Ottoman Era to the Republic” …

Adaletin Ölçüsü: Cerîde-i Adliye Kapaklarını Yorumlamak

Ömer Durmaz’ın küratörlüğünü yaptığı “Gözlere Konuşmak: Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Bilginin Görselleştirilmesi” …

Gráphagos: Memetik Evrim Grafik Tasarımı Açıklar mı?

2010’da yarattığım evrimsel grafik tasarım programı Gráphagos hakkında ilk Türkçe yazımı Manifold için yazdım. Yazıda programın ayrıntılarından…

İstanbul Okurken

As curious people who read a lot in public transport, I, my girlfriend, and her sister started…

Evolutionary Graphic Design: Gráphagos

I’m finally publishing the evolutionary graphic design program that I created in 2008–2010 as my master’s thesis…

The Information is Beautiful Awards

I was at the inaugural Information is Beautiful Awards ceremony & party at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in…


I am in the mood for doing some oldschool existential philosophy and I hereby define a new…

Dennett’s Istanbul Talk Online!

Here it is, finally, Dan Dennett’s Istanbul talk titled “Darwin’s Strange Inversion of Reasoning” from last year…. Protection Status © 2025 Deniz Cem Önduygu