Redefining Infographics

Do you like infographics? Your answer doesn’t tell much because we’ve been using that word for very…

2015 Genel Seçiminin İletişim Yönergeleri

Kurumlar dış dünyayla ve çalışanlarıyla sözlü/yazılı/görsel iletişimlerini, iletişim stratejistleri ve görsel iletişim tasarımcıları tarafından belirlenmiş kurallar dahilinde…

Medicine and Technology Symposium

I was invited to speak at the Medicine and Technology Symposium organized by the Turkish Medical Students’ International Committee. It…

Mary the Marriageable

— There’s this girl Mary. — And? — Such a lovely girl, and she takes good care…

Jeff Talks

I was invited to speak at Jeff Talks, a quarterly series organized by Esen Karol where designers,…

Evolutionary Graphic Design: Gráphagos

I’m finally publishing the evolutionary graphic design program that I created in 2008–2010 as my master’s thesis…

Spaces, Slashes and Dashes

Spaces are one of the most important elements of design. They have lots of functions, but the…

Reinventing the Sacred

Review of Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion by Stuart A. Kauffman From…

Özgecilik Açıkları

Özgecilik (ya da diğerkâmlık, İng. altruism), kendi çıkarını gözetmeksizin başkalarına yardım etme durumuna verdiğimiz isim. Çok doğal ve…

Argument against Argument from Design

When confronted with the Argument from Design (about biology), people resort to various counter-arguments, pointing to the…

The Trouble With Text

People don’t like texts. Forget reading, they don’t want to look at them. Or so think amateur…

Visualizing Protein Motions with Static Images

In 2011 I worked with Canan Atılgan and Ali Rana Atılgan on the figures of their paper…

The Information is Beautiful Awards

I was at the inaugural Information is Beautiful Awards ceremony & party at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in…


In my last microscopy post with the yellow sac spider, I had noted the resemblance between the…

Spider Under Microscope

I found this spider, dead, outside the window of my apartment. Looks like some species of yellow…

What Darwin Got Wrong

Review of What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry A. Fodor, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini Part I: Lewontin Strikes Back (Seriously, the…


Fish are jumpin’ and I’m writin’ my second microscopy post, starring a mosquito. (See this post for the…


I am in the mood for doing some oldschool existential philosophy and I hereby define a new…

After ISType 2012

ISType (Istanbul Type Seminars) 2012 is over and here are my notes about it. Right at the…

ISType 2012

As Fevkalade we were invited to speak at Istanbul Type Seminars 2012. Unfortunately Fevkalade’s co-founder Emre couldn’t be there with me…

Headhunting for Consciousness

Yesterday I met David Chalmers. 19 to go. (Crick is dead.) (I guess that’s why Dennett took…

Find Out What You Are

This is a personal project that dates back to 2009; I’ve been postponing sharing it because I…

Zeros and Universes

What do you think if you notice that all the zeros in the book you’re reading have…

The Big Picture in Seven Scales

See the full size and Turkish versions here. After publishing this, quite a lot of people have…

Biology as Ideology

Review of Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA by Richard C. Lewontin Lewontin is a leftist… Protection Status © 2025 Deniz Cem Önduygu