Neden “Hâlâ” Maske Takıyorum?

Birkaç aydır yine büyük bir Covid dalgası yaşıyoruz. Çevremde benim dışımda Covid’e karşı önlem alan, maske kullanan pek kimse kalmadı. Çevremde benim dışımda…

Daniel Dennett: A Personal Remembrance

Daniel C. Dennett (28 March 1942 – 19 April 2024) was one of the leading philosophers and…

2024 Yerel Seçimi: Nasıl Görselleştirmeli?

Seçim sonuçlarının haritalarda illerin kazanan partinin rengine boyanmasıyla görselleştirilmesine alıştık. Niyetimiz sadece kazanan partiyi görmek ise bu…

Visualizing the Genealogy of Ottoman Naskh Types

My friend Onur Yazıcıgil is a researcher of Ottoman typefaces and we had worked on a visualization…

The Art of Insight

Alberto Cairo is an eminent figure in information design, as a practitioner, educator, and author. I’ve always…

History of Philosophy: Tags, Improved Search, Dark Mode, and More

I’m happy to announce another batch of interface upgrades in my History of Philosophy after a year,…

History of Philosophy: Portraits, Name-Clicking, and More

This is an important moment and an important post for me. It’s not about the new philosophers…

Gold Water: Landscapes of Olive and Olive Oil

A collaboration between the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial and e-flux Architecture, the Critical Cooking Show is a…

KP Brehmer and Thousand Ways of Employing Data

I was invited by Arter to give an online talk (in Turkish) about data visualization and art…

My 2008–2018 in Music

When the 10 Year Challenge hit social media last month, I challenged myself to do a datafied…

History of Philosophy Updated

I’m proud to announce a huge upgrade for my History of Philosophy, both in content and in…

Communicating Science: Gráphagos

On July 2nd, we led a variant of our Communicating Science events, this time as part of…

New Creators

On April 19th, I was invited to talk about my personal work in conversation with Yalçın Pembecioğlu…

Talk for Unilever Çorlu

I was invited to speak for Unilever Çorlu Factory staff at Habita, about my work and about…

How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without a Soul

Review of How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul by Adrian Shaughnessy I admit, I…

With Charity Toward None: A Fond Look at Misanthropy

Review of With Charity Toward None: A Fond Look At Misanthropy by Florence King Although it contains…

Speak to the Eyes – Panel

I was invited to join a panel on the history of data/information visualization in Turkey with Eray…

Measure of Justice: Covering the Cerîde-i Adliye Covers

The research exhibition “Speak to the Eyes: Visualizing Information from the Ottoman Era to the Republic” …

Adaletin Ölçüsü: Cerîde-i Adliye Kapaklarını Yorumlamak

Ömer Durmaz’ın küratörlüğünü yaptığı “Gözlere Konuşmak: Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Bilginin Görselleştirilmesi” …

Gráphagos: Memetik Evrim Grafik Tasarımı Açıklar mı?

2010’da yarattığım evrimsel grafik tasarım programı Gráphagos hakkında ilk Türkçe yazımı Manifold için yazdım. Yazıda programın ayrıntılarından…

Communicating Science

I was at Sabancı University for an event we organized and named ‘Communicating Science’ where I spoke about…

One and the Many

I was invited to speak for a data visualization workshop within the One and the Many exhibition at SALT…

Common Ground Social Good Communication Conference

I was invited to speak at Common Ground Social Good Communication Conference at the Pera Museum on the use of…

İstanbul Okurken

As curious people who read a lot in public transport, I, my girlfriend, and her sister started… Protection Status © 2025 Deniz Cem Önduygu